not stalling," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
"We're using ... the power of a robust minority to make sure that we
get fair treatment. We're happy to have this debate, we're ready to
have this debate. But not on terms dictated to us in this fashion."
The full story is here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,250403,00.html
I can't see why, when put in these terms, the Democrats have a problem with what's going on. I mean, we've spent years hearing them cry about treating minorities fairly. I agree, minorities need fair treatment. I agree with McConnell that terms cannot be dictated to minorities. If debate is going to take place on anything, it needs to be on fair, equal footing. Members of a majority will always attempt to format things in their favor.
Republicans have done it. Whites have done it. Democrats have done it. "Doves" have done it. I'm not casting stones here. This is just pure intellectual truth.
Republicans, the sitting minority in Congress, might just learn a little about relating to minorities between now and Election '08. I sure hope so. The GOP has a lot to offer them.
not stalling," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
"We're using ... the power of a robust minority to make sure that we
get fair treatment. We're happy to have this debate, we're ready to
have this debate. But not on terms dictated to us in this fashion."
The full story is here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,250403,00.html
I can't see why, when put in these terms, the Democrats have a problem with what's going on. I mean, we've spent years hearing them cry about treating minorities fairly. I agree, minorities need fair treatment. I agree with McConnell that terms cannot be dictated to minorities. If debate is going to take place on anything, it needs to be on fair, equal footing. Members of a majority will always attempt to format things in their favor.
Republicans have done it. Whites have done it. Democrats have done it. "Doves" have done it. I'm not casting stones here. This is just pure intellectual truth.
Republicans, the sitting minority in Congress, might just learn a little about relating to minorities between now and Election '08. I sure hope so. The GOP has a lot to offer them.
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