Saturday, February 24, 2007

LP/OP duty

It's Saturday. That means I'm the closing supervisor for my place of employment. It also means that as the evening wears on I get bored.

I'm sitting here with a dispatcher and we're both making the associated noises of boredom as we pursue our varied remedies for such. Sighs, clicking keyboards, probably the occassional fart ... and I swear it's not me this time!

Anyway, I was reading some very well-thought out blogs tonight and reallized that my entries are sometimes partial thoughts and not always as well-put together as these.

I wish I had the time and energy to get everything out in a rational, concise format, but much of what I do is free-form, steam-of-conscience type stuff.

Anyway, I wanted to point to one of my favorite blogs:
From The Jawa Report you can link to many other fine conservative ramblings.

Also, feel free to check out; I'm pretty excited by what they are doing. Will be speaking to the wife and her dad about this. I'm pretty sure it's something he would like to be part of and I'd like to join in on this as well.

I'm looking at the title I used. I remember sitting in some cold sand with an AN/GRC-39 (I think I got that right) beside me looking for bad guys years ago. It was an exercise, but I still felt an intense nervousness keeping me awake and on edge, afraid of what the op-for guys might do to me and my unit if I dozed off. My little brother has experienced this in reallity a few times since being commissioned back in the mid-90s and I can't imagine how many go through this daily today in the GWOT.

Thoughts and prayers and whatnot. My unit is a man down now as my dispatcher leaves me. Time to pay a little more attention. I am bad about answering the phones here since 99% of the time there is someone here whose sole job it is to answer them.

1 comment:

Howie said...

Hey, I answered your question. There are some other things other pings and label stuff I don't know much about. we have people around who do if you need any help. Always welcome at out place. Ignore the trolls we want more lurkers to post.