Friday, October 30, 2009

Agree to disagree

In some ways, our political discourse has become more polite in this country. The name calling and dirty tricks some of our founding fathers used in the pursuit of political power make some of those in recent elections look tame.

Two hundred years ago people easily came to blows over differences of opinion, if not outright duels to the death. Today, thank God, that doesn't happen.

Case in point. I have this friend. Well, he's the friend of a friend, but I like and respect him and would like to be friends with him. Anyway, we don't often see eye-to-eye on political matters. Tonight we were going rounds about "czars;" those positions in the federal government that really drive those on the right nuts, now that Obama is the one appointing them.

FYI, Nixon appointed the first person we called a "czar" in this country. As a presidential appointment, he should have congressional approval. He did not. In nearly 40 years it's become worse, as the number of these positions has grown in our federal government. My readings say this is the federal government taking more and more power upon itself, in direct contradiction of the 10th Amendment. My buddy disagrees. We went round and round on it.

I agreed that I wasn't as well-read on the matter as I'd like to be and would be studying up on this. I think he felt, at first, that I was objecting to "czar." Well, I do find it sort of objectionable in our country, to call someone a "czar," but understand the origins. What I really found objectionable was the position and the lack of congressional approval for a presidential appointment. My buddy feels they fall within the structure of our federal government and are legitimate positions demonized by those on the right just to make a stink about Obama. He stated that W appointed more of these folks than any other president. I've seen two different lists and both gave that dubious distinction to Obama, instead.

Okay, back-story complete. Here's what I was getting at. I think at various times we've both sat back and said, "I like this guy. He's nice. He's smart. So how can he be such a friggen idiot?" Thank God we don't have to have those moments face-to-face; I can't imagine a friendship resulting in such a case.

It may be that as our debate goes on we will reach an "agree to disagree" point, but I will try to keep you informed of what I find out.

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