Monday, April 16, 2007

Sorrow and outrage

The shooting today at Va. Tech has shocked everyone who has heard about it. It is simply unbelievable. I hope that some sort of note was left by the shooter to explain this senseless loss of life. I think it will be important for the families of those killed to know "why my child?"

My thoughts and prayers tonight are with the families of the slain and the injured students and their families. May God watch over you and yours in this time of tragedy.

ABC News is saying this happened because Congress slacked off on assault riffle bans. It's a little too early to be saying anything like that. You could just as easily say it's because the students did not have access to carry weapons of their own, to protect them from assailants, making them easier targets.

My fiance made a good point. There is so much publicity around these shootings that it encourages other nut-cases to go out and do the same; try to push the envelope. Today's shooter will go down in history for what he did, just like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. That sort of notoriety, infamy inspires people of a certain mindset.

We're in a country were the media sets the tone. I firmly, very firmly, support all the tenants of our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, but draw the line at blindly following the media. American media have certain responsibilities which those at Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, along with the Big Three, have pretty much forgotten: news is not about political bias, it's about facts. Hard news has no room for political opinions about assault rifle bans or anything else. Reports on today's shootings should include nothing more than what happened.

OK, I'm not feeling well. Time to wrap this up.

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