Friday, December 4, 2009

Corn ... and other undigestibles

Thanksgiving was last week. We had turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, stuffing and corn. I remember the corn, because I saw it later. 'Nuf said, you know what I mean.

Well, seeing the corn again I thought about things that I just can't digest. No, I won't be discussing lactose intolerance. I'm talking about the restrictions of liberty.

The new health plan finding it's way through that den of thieves and power-hungry despots we call Congress is going to put the choking noose of government firmly around the necks of us all. I particularly enjoy Majority Leader Reid's gracious nod to states' rights by including an option to allow states to opt out of the plan.

Has Mr Reid, or any of those in Congress for that matter, read the Constitution? Does he know what nullification is? Does he understand that Congress doesn't control the states? Does he understand that "we the people" are the true power and source of this nation's greatness?

The states do not need an "opt-out option" in this "law." The Constitution gives them the right to nullify the health care reform bill, if passed and signed by the President. So many states have done this with the national ID laws passed under W that they are, in effect, null and void nationwide. Most state assemblies feel the same way about the "health care reform" bill.

Did you know this bill, as passed by the House, includes a provision for restaurant chains or other places serving food at more than 20 locations, to post calorie information on their menu boards? Any idea what it will cost to make that happen? Guess what, even if Congress gave these companies the money to change their menu boards, YOU are still paying for it. If the companies have to pay this price, rest assured you will see higher prices at your favorite fast food joint. Cappriotti's, with nearly 30 locations, would have to follow suit.

New York City has a law like this. Studies have show that the result was higher prices and no change in buying habits. So why continue with this farcical pursuit of "reform?"

It's stupid and I'm sure you can see that. Tell your Senators you oppose the "reform" they offer and ask them to take the time to get it right, instead of hurrying into a mistake. Let them know if they don't want to oppose this bill, they should prepare to pack up and come home.